Manufacturers entering and stationed in the Dabeishi District of Yunlin Technology-based Industrial Park are mainly glass substrate, sporting goods, aluminum alloy forging, machinery, chemical, and medical industries. It is the best cluster of science and technology industry in the Yunlin area. Currently, the enterprises that have been stationed in the park and set up factories for mass production include AGC Display Glass Taiwan Co., Ltd. producing glass substrate, Super Alloy Industrial Co., Ltd. producing automotive aluminum alloy wheel rim, Foremost Golf Mfg., Ltd. producing golf heads, Feng Tay Enterprise Co., Ltd. being NIKE sneakers OEM business, Co-Tech Development Corp. producing copper foil, Gong Bih Enterprise Co., Ltd. producing green algae powder, Hiwin Technologies Corp. producing ball screws, Opals Chemical Technology Ltd. and Prior Company Limited producing chemical raw materials, Daxon Technology Inc. producing medical grade adhesive special agents and polarizers, and so on.
Among the manufactures, the AGC Display Glass Taiwan Co., Ltd. is the main core company. The Dabeishi Park has set up 20 to 60 meters of isolated green belt to make separate from the outside. For factories facing road side, it sets up 4 to 10 meters of the landscape green belt, depending on the road size. The combination of the landscape and technology industries has formed a large-scale and mature integrated industrial park model.



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