The Dabeishi District of the Yunlin Technology-based Industrial Park is located north of the Douliou City. A 45-meter wide road runs through the industrial park. To the west, it connects with the Taiwan Provincial Highway No. 1 and the National Freeway No. 1. To the east, it links the Zhuweizi area (now the Silk Industrial Park) and the Shiliuban district to the National Freeway No. 3. Traffic is quite convenient. The park has 20 to 60 meters of green belt to isolate it from the outside world. For factories facing road side, it sets up a landscape green belt of 4 to 10 meters,  depending on the road size. The total development areas are 243.04 hectares. It is developed in five phases. The development areas are 169.4 hectares for the first phase, 18.26 hectares for the second phase, 19.8 hectares for the third phase, 13.04 hectares for the fourth phase, and 22.54 hectares for the fifth phase respectively.
Regarding the development in this park from 1997 to 2017, the land development of the first four phases has been substantially completed. To meet the development needs of the Industrial Development Bureau, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and local industry, the sixth change of the detail plan is being handled. The change will release some of the industrial land (A) of about 10 hectares and the land of residential community about three hectares that will be available for rent and sale. It is expected to be announced and launched in 2018.



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