Hsienhsi District was re-started for development in 1990. At that time, it was part of the six-year national construction plan mainly coping with the long-term industrial development requirements of the central region and it would be the industrial development center for the regional prosperity. This district has been positioned to be a complex industrial zone of high productivity and high-tech. According to industry development requirements, the development strategy has been on “phased development” basis until now.
Due to the fact that enterprises have not moved in as timely as expected, the development schedule has been deferred. This district was once planned to be one of the Free Economic Pilot Zones, and due to the party alteration, the development positioning of the Changhua Coastal Park is adjusted as follows:
1. Deepen the development of local inherent advantages;
2. Assist existing traditional industries for upgrades;
3. Bring up low pollution, green technology industries;
4. Foster the developments of industries with local characteristics.




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